Film Photography Techniques

Today, there are digital stock photography tips and film photography techniques for digital and film photographers respectively. In order to create stunning photographic images, every film photographer needs to apply some basic film photography techniques. These include:

1. Composition is one of the most important techniques in film photography, which makes the difference between mediocre and professional shots. Before capturing image to film, you must always take composition into account. For instance, those learning how to photograph art should properly balance shapes and diagonals to maintain interest, cropping, as well as bringing the subject to the foreground.

2. Depth of Field is the distance between the foreground and background of the subject which remains in focus. This is a basic technique of photography which is handled with the aperture setting of the film camera and the subject's focal distance. For a shallow depth of field, you require a clear focus on your subject, and the out of focus areas around it. For a great depth of field, everything will be in the frame in focus.

3. Motion photography will enable you to capture motion. It is possible to capture motion using various techniques, as well as varying shutter speed settings. To capture frozen motion photography, you will require a fast shutter speed to enable you to capture your subject during movement in an image that is in focus and perfectly sharp. A tip on how to photograph fireworks displays through blurred motion photography is to use slow shutter speed.

4. For night photography, you will require long exposures and a lot of patience. This technique can prove difficult when it comes to figuring out the proper aperture and shutter speed settings. You may have to use a handheld light meter because many 35mm film cameras do not have a light meter to provide you with accurate readings for your night photography.

5. Landscape photography will require sharp detail achieved through slow shutter speeds and small apertures. With landscape photography, the possibilities are endless. All you need to do is follow the simple rule of composition with a foreground, background and middle ground. In order to learn how to photograph landscapes well, be ready to walk to various spots and patiently wait for the right lighting to fall on your scene.

6. For wildlife photography, you will need a handheld camera and pretty fast shutter speeds. Use a long camera lens to take close photographs of wildlife without getting too close to startle or cause them any harm. With a zoom lens, you can zoom in on birds which are likely to be higher than you.

7. For winter photography, you will need to overexpose your film so as to bring out the white of the snow.

For more information on photography, please visit:

Joan One is a freelance journalist and creative writer who immensely enjoys writing and researching into any topic under the Sun. She specializes in writing "green" eco-friendly topics aimed at enabling environmentally conscious readers to find simple ways to reduce their carbon footprint and help save our planet.

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