Tips For Panning

I would like to introduce one of the interesting techniques in photography --- "Panning". Many might wonder and ask:" What is panning?" "Using frying pan?" Answer is no.

Panning is very simple, just set shutter speed, aperture, hold your camera and pan along with moving subject. Guess what will you get? Bingo! A sharp subject with blurred background. Of course, you might think say is easy but do is difficult.

Let me share some tips with you on how to master "Panning" and discover the fun of using it.

1) Slower shutter speed

Set shutter speed slower than normal speed, but do remember not the slowest as you will end up with camera shake. For example, to pan a moving car, you may try speed of 1/60 second and play around till you get the best image. Start with 1/30 second for moving subject likes people walking or cycling. Faster the shutter speed, background will be clearer, motion would be greatly reduced.

2) Auto focus

Activate camera Auto focus function, half press shutter button to lock on, aim and pan moving subject. Let panning continue after fully press shutter, so smooth motion blur can be achieved from start till end of your shot. If auto focus of your camera is not fast enough, you may per-focus it at the spot end up with pressing shutter button.

3) Choose the right location

Select the right location to pan plays important role in getting a good image. The place should be safe and without obstacles for panning. You may also consider using 85mm telephoto lens to maintain a certain distance while shooting. Avoid having background which is messy or too bright in colour, as this will make your subject less attractive.

4) Same level with subject

Position your camera at same level of the subject you are going to shoot. This can help in focusing as to obtain clear subject in your image.

5) Leave sufficient space to subject

Another important factor you would consider is leaving more space to your subject. Insufficient space for subject will look constraint.

6) Using monopod/tripod

Try to use monopod or tripod during your shooting session as to avoid blurred subject appear in your final image.

Practice makes perfect

Now, pick up your camera, walk to street and start practicing "panning". After try a few rounds, you should be able to master this technique and get fantastic image. Sometime, a little bit blur on the subject could add on feeling of motion.

If you wish to find out more on photography, please visit my website: oohay mart.

Original article

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